Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Poppies, poppies...

I chose poppies for the background of my blog because I absolutely adore them. They are a throwback to my childhood. My grandparents lived on a farm and if you walked through the orchard to the far side of their house you could find them hiding there. They were nestled in a corner between the house and the fence, bursting out in a huge bunch. I always loved the bold red-orange color, yet thought they looked quite delicate at the same time. I even have some in bloom along the walkway as we speak.

1 comment:

  1. I remember those too. weren't they right next to the side gate? I mostly remember that I was not allowed to go through that gate until I was a bit older, I think around 1st grade or kindergarten. Something about me running off....:) Now I go through that same thing with Law- gotta make sure the side gate is latched or your beagle of a nephew is off and running down the street.
